
night then day.

i recently got home from marie's eighteenth birthday party. we had a lot fun. but all the fun kept me from getting to the blog today...so in honor of marie and her eighteenth birthday on march 1st here are some pictures from tonight. i hope to have a real post for you tomorrow.

ps. it was rocky horror picture show themed..

enjoy your sunday, as i attempt to get all this face paint off. much love and peace, dmaloney


the not so simple story

you changed everything.

but no one changed.

you gave everything.

but no one thanked you.

you suffered.

but no one cried.

you rose again.

but some still didn’t believe.

you simply gave your life.

so i could still be a sinner.

i am confused.




i’ll never understand.

but i still receive this gift.

i will never be able to re-pay you.

but that’s why you’re amazing.

and that’s why they call you Jesus.


just the right blend

here's a quick video that i thought was amusing.. if you're reading on facebook i don't think you'll be able to see this.. so you can read the rest at http://dmaloneybaloney.blogspot.com and see the video...

so i found this video on youtube, but this guy doesn't only blend iphones he blends spam and soo much more but that isn't the point.

a couple years ago in youth group we we're ask to draw a portrait of jesus and how we see him. and i remember someone taking a purple piece of paper and drawing in purple crayon on the paper. when she presented it she said i drew in the same color because i think that he blends into the background often. and over time i've reflected on it and i think reinterpreted. God is there just it so obvious it's like white crayon on white paper.

you remember in elementary school when you would color a picture and you would either thought that the white crayon was pointless (meaning good for throwing across the room) or you thought that you could use it on other colors of paper. and so for those of you who actually used that white crayon to color know that the color was there if you used another crayon near it. it's interesting to think of God in this way. that much to often we only stumble upon him..

the other interesting thing is that the white crayon shows on other colors of paper. all the other colors. all the other lights. God is shinning bright. i feel that this post strongly relates to the post entitled 'what your metaphor?' and that's all for this snowy thursday night.

quote of the day:

'the most wasted of all days is one without laughter.' -e.e. cummings

joke of the day:

'why couldn't the 11 year old see the pirate movie?
because it was rated arrrgh!

photo of the day:

just all the colors in the box on all the different papers. much love and peace, dmaloney


wed-nes-day and evaluations

i've kind of been stumped for what to post about recently. there's a bunch of phrases and ghobally-gook in my head, yet none of that can be turned in to a full post. so i would really appreciate feedback on any of the posts. and some inspiration for topics you'd like to know about. i'm pretty open to things. as long as it isn't something like butter, which i have not yet figured how to fit in to a post. sorry. drew.

recently in my history class we've been studying the internment of the japanese people during w.w.two. and today we read a selection from book called 'farewell to manzanar'. in the selection we read the author says something like ' the months turned to years and we began to forget about the war, we began to forget why we were in the camps in the first place.' it was interesting. i couldn't stop rereading that quote and thinking the only way to 'stay fresh' or current to to continually reevaluate our motives. our purposes for what we're doing. in a book i have been sporadically reading entitled 'my first to years in ministry' doug fields (the author) mentions that we need to always reevaluate our ministry. check up together. what works. what doesn't. and that's what keeps groups alive. he sites multiple examples that would relate to this. but the biggest one for me was the story that he told where a youth leader played a particular song. that made everyone super emotional. but did she have a purpose in it? not. really. she had used it before on a different group and it had obviously had a positive effect. yet in this instance it just left the camp with over one-hundred crying kids. we need to constantly evaluate and assess what works best for that group. maybe that sounds strange to those of us who aren't in charge of a ministry or a large group of kids. but think about school. we each have our own ways to learn and to study. i like making flash cards but if i did that in every class would i be successful. no. what about math? does memorizing the definition of an algebraic function as an expression that consists of numbers, variables, operations, and grouping symbols. also called a variable expression really help me on the test, when the problem is 2/3p*8/7-r^2-5= 19? probably not the best thing is to practice problem after problem. but for all of us it is different. i study through repetition and very often spoken word. for some of us it is through writing things out over and over again and maybe the point of all is that is that we needed to assess what we can do to succeed. what needs to be done to always know your purpose for particular tasks. so for the rest of the week avoid spending extra time on facebook. try reading a book. anything. just evaluate that situation and do something to better yourself. because you can you just to need evaluate.

and just because it's lent i'll give my opinion of christ in this situation. it's believe that jesus knew for before he was born that his purpose was to come to earth. preach the word. die. and rise again. simple, right? ha, christ always had the future insight and yet knew what his purpose was the whole time. pretty amazing? yeah well, that's christ for ya!

quote of the day:

'always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much' -oscar wilde

joke of the day:

'why aren't blondes allowed in nascar?'
because they'd stop to ask for directions!

photo of the day:

live. love. forgive. and never give up. much love and peace, dmaloney


hump day and new perspectives

tuesday is a crazy day for me so today's post is light-hearted and just a plain old blog post. on tuesdays i get up nice and early like i do every school day. and then after school i have lessons for concert band. then i go from school to jackson liberty where i have my sat tutoring session for one hour and then i finally come home. it probably doesn't sound like a lot to most of you, but for me it's a pretty busy day, and sometimes this day can sour the rest of my week. the extra homework that i ignored on monday. the fact that my wednesday is even busier. and the fact that it is only tuesday, makes the week seem only that much longer. maybe my sour attitude culminates from everything that i've already mentioned, or maybe it's just the sats. the sats are the worst thing i've ever done. and that's tuesday. i don't have any inspirtation other than to find the day you can't stand and look at it in a new perspective.

quote of the day:

'in the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.' -albert einstein

joke/ fun fact of the day:

every day more money is printed for monopoly than the u.s. treasury.

photo of the day:

so take a look at things with a new perspective. much love and peace, dmaloney


the paralyzing novocain

so today i made the unfortunate trip to the dentist to have a cavity filled. not exactly the way i would generally want to spend my monday afternoon, yet i suffered through. and as i sat there with a dentist and a hygienist peering into my mouth with a ten inch needle i couldn't help but think about our fears brought upon us psychologically. did the needle actually hurt? no. not really. yet i had already convinced myself that it was going to be painful. our fear is paralyzing. it's the most powerful emotion. it trumps all. my biggest fear is not being in control. so leads to a lot of other fears. i need to be in control. and i often tell myself that i can deal without being in control yet as soon as the time comes my fear kicks in. it's horrible. it's more than paralyzing. so what can we do to conquer fear? how can we kick fear out the back door? well, truth be told i don't have a true answer. the best advice i can give is to trust. have faith. was the trip to the dentist actually painful? did die by going on the roller coaster? did that spider kill you? no. no. and no. so ask yourself these questions the next time fear knocks on your door. just go for it. slam the door in fear's face and walk away. because you've won.

just for your information i don't look like this anymore. super plus!

quote of the day:

'fear is not the natural state of civilized people.' -aung san suu kyi

joke of the day:

Jim and Mary were both patients in a Mental Hospital. One day while they were walking past the hospital swimming pool, Jim suddenly jumped into the deep end. He sank to the bottom and stayed there. Mary promptly jumped in to save him. She swam to the bottom and pulled Jim out.

When the medical director became aware of Mary's heroic act he immediately ordered her to be discharged from the hospital as he now considered her to be mentally stable. When he went to tell Mary the news he said, "Mary, I have good news and bad news. The good news is you're being discharged because since you were able to jump in and save the life of another patient, I think you've regained your senses. The bad news is Jim, the patient you saved, hung himself with his bathrobe belt in the bathroom. I am so sorry, but he's dead."

Mary replied, "He didn't hang himself, I put him there to dry.

photo of the day:

prove fear wrong. much love and peace, dmaloney


the beauty pageant

beauty. it's defined in the dictionary as the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising fromsensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personalityin which high spiritual qualities are manifest). and as humans i'd like to believe that we each have our own definition of beauty. to some it looks like this:

or this:

but the one of the amazing thing about God is that he isn't the judge of a beauty pageant. he doesn't care how you look in a bikini or if you can walk down a runway in heels. God loves you the way you are. he made you the way you are because he think you are beautiful. here are some of the top image results for beauty, you might be surprised,

beauty comes in a shapes, sizes, colors, races, and God doesn't see any of that. he sees all of us as a b-e-a-u-tiful child. his creation. so don't change yourself because you want to look "beautiful" because you all ready are.

just smile and don't change yourself to fit societies demand of beauty.

quote of the day:

"be yourself and think for yourself; and while your conclusions many not be infalliable, they will be nearer right than the conclusions forced upon you." - elbert hubbard.

joke of the day:

i don't have one, so go look in a mirror, and make a funny face.

photo of the day:

start this week with a new attitude. wake up with a smile. much love and peace, dmaloney