
a simple thank you will do.

today is an interesting day in the christian church. in my mind it's the forgotten day. and a day of preparation. a day to gather our things for easter. maybe it's the ham. maybe it's the dye for the eggs. whatever we are doing we're often preparing for the resurrection, and lately it has been on my mind that today should be a day similar to good friday. a day where we mourn, not prepare. the disciples didn't know what would happen.

it's like knowing the end of the story and allowing it to influence the way you read the rest of the book. i could very well be wrong, but i really believe that today should be sad, like good friday. all i'm asking of you is that today you spent some time in prayer to say thank you. to say thank you for the amazing gift. there's no need to be eloquent just say thank you. much love and peace, dmaloney


the darkness won't last

today is good friday. it's a day of darkness. and today as jesus has nails driven into his hands and feet i can't help but think of the audio adrenaline song 'hands and feet' . today we mourn. today is friday but just remember that sunday is coming.

much love and peace, dmaloney


sometimes you just need to suffer through

so it's that time. you're probably wondering what time? well, it's thursday, holy thursday, it's also time for a lovely lineup on nbc and grey's anatomy. and for some reason grey's anatomy always makes me think about huge life topics. lately the show has been focusing on topics like the choice to have children, but that's not the point. in tonight's episode a husband had to watch his wife taken off life support, not by his choice, but by his wife's choice three years prior. also in tonight's show a female police officer was wounded and lost her uterus in a surgery complication. the woman's story made me think about how often we have things that we love that hurt the people that love us most. this woman loved her police work and her husband. her husband loved her deeply, but after seven years wanted to settle down and finally have kids. unfortunately there were other plans for them.

i think that there is a lot that we can take from this story, and that this takes place in our lives often. (not this exact story, but you understand the point) we much too often disappoint the people who love us most for something that we love. i feel that i have a way to work on this. not as the woman, but as the husband. what do we do when someone we love continually disappoints us with something that they adore? what can we do?

well, i believe that a christians we're called to 'be the bigger person' for a lack of a better cliché. to be supportive and forgiving. i'm not saying that doing this is easy. it's extremely difficult and we'll all fail at this multiple times.we're human and that means we can learn from our mistakes. when i think about situations like this i can't help but think of God being the husband. God is often disappointed with our actions, but he still sent his son to die. so the next time you're sitting at a ridiculous event someone you love, loves remember the ultimate sacrifice given to you by the humble man, known as jesus christ.

happy april fool's day! and more importantly holy thursday. much love and peace, dmaloney


go attack your nineveh!

so i recently watched Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie and it made me think about the story of Jonah. so here is the link to watch the movie and here's a selection from the first chapter of Jonah :

The word of the LORD came to Jonah son of Amittai: 2 "Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me." 3 But Jonah ran away from the LORD and headed for Tarshish. He went down to Joppa, where he found a ship bound for that port. After paying the fare, he went aboard and sailed for Tarshish to flee from the LORD. 4 Then the LORD sent a great wind on the sea, and such a violent storm arose that the ship threatened to break up. 5 All the sailors were afraid and each cried out to his own god. And they threw the cargo into the sea to lighten the ship. But Jonah had gone below deck, where he lay down and fell into a deep sleep. 6 The captain went to him and said, "How can you sleep? Get up and call on your god! Maybe he will take notice of us, and we will not perish." 7 Then the sailors said to each other, "Come, let us cast lots to find out who is responsible for this calamity." They cast lots and the lot fell on Jonah. 8 So they asked him, "Tell us, who is responsible for making all this trouble for us? What do you do? Where do you come from? What is your country? From what people are you?" 9 He answered, "I am a Hebrew and I worship the LORD, the God of heaven, who made the sea and the land." 10 This terrified them and they asked, "What have you done?" (They knew he was running away from the LORD, because he had already told them so.) 11 The sea was getting rougher and rougher. So they asked him, "What should we do to you to make the sea calm down for us?" 12 "Pick me up and throw me into the sea," he replied, "and it will become calm. I know that it is my fault that this great storm has come upon you." 13 Instead, the men did their best to row back to land. But they could not, for the sea grew even wilder than before. 14 Then they cried to the LORD, "O LORD, please do not let us die for taking this man's life. Do not hold us accountable for killing an innocent man, for you, O LORD, have done as you pleased." 15 Then they took Jonah and threw him overboard, and the raging sea grew calm. 16 At this the men greatly feared the LORD, and they offered a sacrifice to the LORD and made vows to him.

this is the part of the story that i want to focus on. this is the part that makes me think the most.
in this story we have jonah and in this story jonah is one of the biggest prophets of the time. he is popular and when he has something to say everyone drops what they're doing. he has total respect of the people and when he speaks they believe (and it is) coming directly from the Lord. so one time God tells jonah that he needs him to go to nineveh. during this time nineveh is the bottom of the bottom. it's horrible. the city is full of greedy people that don't know right from wrong. anyway, jonah is like yeah right.. i would go anywhere but there.. i can't save those people they're horrible people. God insist that jonah make the journey, but the next day jonah heads out of town to tarshish. (the opposite direction of nineveh) and from there we all know the story.

but in this story jonah is a big part of the faith of the people at the time. they believe what he said to be the word of God. and jonah was a leader for God and a follower of God. he was a prophet because he had a sound relationship with God. but this great relationship failed when jonah didn't want to go to nineveh. for lack of a better term, jonah "rocked the boat" on the great relationship he and God had because he was afraid. he didn't want to waste his time on people he felt we're already a lost cause.

this story makes me reflect on this weekends youth leaders conference. we talked a lot about "servant leadership" and i think that jonah's story is a story of a leader who was afraid to be a servant leader. see jonah was happy in the town he was in. he was even comfortable leaving and going to anywhere in israel. but was afraid and unwilling to travel to nineveh. jonah was afraid to do "God's dirty work" he didn't want to travel to tell people unwilling to listen that they would perish.

i believe that God often puts our faith to very similar tests. tests of servant leadership. God knows when we are faithfully following him and he knows when he can test us. so he sends test to check our faith. in these tests he has a do things outside of our comfort zone. maybe it's that feeling you get inside that says you should go talk to them. or maybe it's a call to stay in the kitchen a scrub a pot.

now those examples aren't examples exactly like jonah's but they are still a call to something that we are uncomfortable with and a call to be something bigger than ourselves.

so maybe the next time you'll think twice about that person you thought was a lost cause. jonah thought nineveh was a lost cause yet the city changed their ways and turned to the Lord. the story of jonah tells all about grace, mercy, and forgiveness, but i think that the bigger lesson is in his leadership.
we can be comfortable in our own leadership positions, but we need to comfortable anywhere. God calls us to be more than leaders. he calls us to servant leadership. it's a big concept but if you can grasp it and, more importantly, but it in to practice you'll be a better person. God is calling you to go sit at the other table in the cafeteria. he is calling you the kid sitting by himself. but the question is how will you respond?

will you be jonah? will you turn and run the other way in fear or will you willingly accept the challenge? will you be a servant leader for God? the choices are yours. do what you please, but just remember you could end up inside a fish for three days!

go attack your nineveh! much love and peace, dmaloney


a different type of anniversary.

today marks my 40th blog post. in a way i feel accomplished i made 40 posts before easter and i'd have to say that i wanted to do something special for this "anniversary". when i think of anniversaries i think of love and relationships. today i'm not going to get mushy on you, but i'd like to honor a family that i have a great relationship with.

that family is the hertl's. i have know the hertl's since before i can even remember and for those of you who don't know they're moving in august. the talk of moving had been imminent for years, but the reality is finally here. it's taken me sometime to be okay will it and so today i'd like to honor each of you and thank you.

michael, there are so many youth group memories that involve you. there are too many to name. when i look back on those years i think that you're one of the main reasons why i enjoyed youth group so much. you are an awesome person and i am continually amazed by your creativity and patience. you've always been there to change the light bulbs (among other things.) you change the church. you helped the church develop and i don't think the church even knows how much you did and still do. michael, today, i'd like to thank you for helping to shape my faith journey and for all of your help throughout the years.

steph, you're one of my best friends and i wouldn't trade you for the world. we've had some great times, and even greater ones are to come. you're complex and multifaceted, yet live simply. you're extremely creative and gifted. as you know i'm not a fan of people saying that you can give over a 100%, but i think you do. you've never left me hanging. you'll always go until the lifts stop. and you are just amazing. you have always kept me on my toes. and i never know what's coming next. i'm excited to see where life takes you because i know that wherever you go you'll be successful. thanks for all the times you've helped me create something, make something better, or just quote the brady bunch movie. thank you for being such a great person. always dedicated.

becca, we've had some interesting experiences together. from our late-night-drowsy camp talks i've concluded that you're someone that i could go to with a question about life and you would listen and talk through it with me. when i think about you all i can think about is your positive attitude and how always makes me want to smile. it's rare for me to see you in a bad mood and you're positive attitude is always refreshing. it makes me love life. it makes me appreciate every breath that i take. every day. every drop of rain. just life in general. you're more complex than meets the eye. i believe that you're are someone who appreciates a time that works your brain. a time that makes you think. yet sometimes you can be frustrated by the fact that the thinking doesn't stop. becca, you're interesting in a good way. and that's what i love about you.

bryanna, i think that this picture describes who you are. you are unique in so many ways, and have so many awesome quirks. i'm so glad that you share them with me. from your pregnant belly to your accents to our man voices to our hand motions. everything you do makes me laugh. but you aren't just a joke-ster. you are very talented. you play piano which is something i wish i could do. i admire people who can play as well as you. i think that you are one of the quirkiest and coolest people i know. don't be afraid to show people who you really are because i believe that no matter where you go people will find you just as awesome as i find you.

sam, when we've actually talked i've enjoyed those experiences. i think that you're a strong person. you've been pushed around a lot throughout your life and i think that when you're older you won't take any crap from anyone. so sam i want to thank you for being a good sport and the butt of way too many jokes.

thank you hertl family for being such a large part of my life. you've each had an individual impact on me. best wishes to all of you as you prepare to embark on a new journey. i love all of you!

much love and peace, dmaloney


my teeth: update number 3

today marks the two week anniversary since i got the braces on. that day two weeks ago i visited the endodontist who told me that my teeth were still vital. he had different news today. he told me that one tooth looks darker and that it is still kind of alive. it takes longer to respond to cold but it isn't dead. he thinks that a root canal could be down the road, but he'll see me in six weeks and tell me what's going on. my mom was upset when she found out, but i'm not super upset. i figured this would come. but i can't decide whether i'm not upset because i'm numb to all of this or if it's from my resolution to positivity and allowance to led God run the show.

lately, with the exclusion of the little children at the easter egg hunt, i've remained pretty positive throughout the lenten season. i've tried to avoid letting things get under my skin. and it's been nice. i just let everything roll off my back. i think you should try it. just think before you speak and take deep breaths. calm your anger. your negativity. and just relax.

i also think that lately i've tried to let God run the show and be happy with it. there are times where i won't always be pleased with the situation but that isn't going to keep it from happening. i just feel that we are way too negative way too often and that our negativity hinders are productivity. we stress. we attempt to fit 50 things into one minute. not everything can always be done. we just need to prioritize.

that's all i've got for today. i'm looking for job suggestions so feel free to shoot me an idea. thanks! much love and peace, dmaloney

i'm alive

so you might me wondering if the lock-in destroyed me. well, hopefully this post with assuage those fears. anyway this past week was full of projects and way too much homework. but that doesn't mean that i've given up on this. i apologize for how long it has been but i'm back and i'm almost positive that i'll blog everyday this week! all of that aside...

it is holy week. the week full of the widest range of emotions. on sunday there is a triumphant entry into Jerusalem. only on thursday for Jesus to be imprisoned and betrayed. and as if that wasn't enough he is denied by "his rock" peter. followed by his horrible death on a cross. only to be celebrated sunday as his resurrection. amazing.

over the past few weeks i've been telling you about my time problems. but look at Jesus's story. he didn't panic. he didn't crumble under pressure. he kept his cool. it seems to be that very often when we are stressed or pressed for time we tend to be on edge. always rushing. running. never stopping. what did Jesus do? from mark 15: 2-4

"Are you the king of the Jews?" asked Pilate.
"Yes, it is as you say," Jesus replied.The chief priests accused him of many things.
But Jesus still made no reply, and Pilate was amazed.

Jesus knows the horrid death that is coming to him, yet still remains composed. can we attempt to keep our composer like Jesus? try letting go in a kinder way. how about trying to avoid making accusations in our homes? maybe we can just take a deep breath before we respond.

God calls us to be patient and kind. God also calls us to be servants for him. to be conveyors or the word even when the world is against you.

Jesus preaches for years spreading the news, and still ends up on a cross. yes, he lived his life and then suffered a most brutal and incomprehensible death.

God doesn't call us to be Jesus. He calls us to act for him. to be a conveyor. to be an example. and a servant. to be a leader and a following. maybe today you can just sit down in silence. and after a few moments take a deep cleansing breath and say:

'God, i have failed, but you sent you sent your son to die for ME! i can't understand it. but i thank you for this gift. today, lord God, i ask you to make me your servant. your follower. and your conveyor the word. help me lead a life that is lead by you. give me the patience to show your people who you are. be with me in everything i do. blessed you and your son, Jesus Christ, Amen.'

much love and peace, dmaloney