today marks the beginning of lent. and maybe you're wondering what i'm "giving up". well, i'm not "giving up" sweets. meats. or beets. (sorry, i just wanted a rhyme) i'm not really a believer in "giving up" things. i like to resolve to do things. make a commitment. so why don't i really believe in "giving up" material possessions? well i believe in continuing your resolution or promise even after easter is over. to me it's like going to church for the month of december and stopping after christmas. is that what God wants? no. like the other day i said God wants all of you all the time. he wants your love. mind. strength. soul. i'm not saying that whatever you've resolved to stay away from is the wrong decision. i just have my own reservations about lent. but since it's lent i would challenge you to resolve to do something for more than just the purpose that's lent. do it for God. do it for good friday. do it out of love.
heres a link for a video on lenten thought
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMUJ2_nUyQI&feature=related. just give it a try..
today after school i was standing in the hallway when i looked down to see a post-it.
i don't know who wrote it. who it was for. or anything else about it. but it seemed to be a sign. or God-sighting to just be content. to be pleased with life. just to smile and love life. be happy. so this is the...
quote of the day:
"you are beautiful! so put down the eyeliner, & smile.">

joke of the day:
for those of you who were on june project or know the anger management story check out this http://www.youtube.com/user/failblog#p/u/5/OFu1HYhQOWA
photo of the day:

so which path do you choose this lent? much love and peace, dmaloney
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