thursday is a good day. i mean just think about it is the day before friday and community is on. community it's one of, if not, the funniest, shows i've ever watched faithfully. thursday is not only the night of community but for my whole life it's kind of been the night that is laid back, relax and calm. it's not stressed like other nights where someone is running somewhere. granted not every thursday is calm. but i like to think that thursday is a day of reflection. is a time to look back on the week to that point. just like evening is a time meant for reflection, a time to look back on your daily accomplishments and to look forward to see what your heart is yearning for. a time for silence.
it's good to be in silence. not all the time. just long enough to entertain thoughts of the future. can we really follow our dreams if we never stop to look back? if we never stop to enjoy the view how can we even appreciate what where we've been? these aren't easy questions and they don't have one answer. no right. no wrong. it's not black or white. it's not yes or no. the answer is in thought. a plan.
Quote of the Day:
"For I know the thoughts and plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you, not to hurt, plans to give you a hope and a future." jeremiah 29:11
Joke/cartoon of the Day:

so just remember even the best plans don't always work out. enjoy the rest of your thursday. and give community a try on nbc at 8. much love and peace,
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