today marks my 40th blog post. in a way i feel accomplished i made 40 posts before easter and i'd have to say that i wanted to do something special for this "anniversary". when i think of anniversaries i think of love and relationships. today i'm not going to get mushy on you, but i'd like to honor a family that i have a great relationship with.
that family is the hertl's. i have know the hertl's since before i can even remember and for those of you who don't know they're moving in august. the talk of moving had been imminent for years, but the reality is finally here. it's taken me sometime to be okay will it and so today i'd like to honor each of you and thank you.
michael, there are so many youth group memories that involve you. there are too many to name. when i look back on those years i think that you're one of the main reasons why i enjoyed youth group so much. you are an awesome person and i am continually amazed by your creativity and patience. you've always been there to change the light bulbs (among other things.) you change the church. you helped the church develop and i don't think the church even knows how much you did and still do. michael, today, i'd like to thank you for helping to shape my faith journey and for all of your help throughout the years.

steph, you're one of my best friends and i wouldn't trade you for the world. we've had some great times, and even greater ones are to come. you're complex and multifaceted, yet live simply. you're extremely creative and gifted. as you know i'm not a fan of people saying that you can give over a 100%, but i think you do. you've never left me hanging. you'll always go until the lifts stop. and you are just amazing. you have always kept me on my toes. and i never know what's coming next. i'm excited to see where life takes you because i know that wherever you go you'll be successful. thanks for all the times you've helped me create something, make something better, or just quote the brady bunch movie. thank you for being such a great person. always dedicated.

becca, we've had some interesting experiences together. from our late-night-drowsy camp talks i've concluded that you're someone that i could go to with a question about life and you would listen and talk through it with me. when i think about you all i can think about is your positive attitude and how always makes me want to smile. it's rare for me to see you in a bad mood and you're positive attitude is always refreshing. it makes me love life. it makes me appreciate every breath that i take. every day. every drop of rain. just life in general. you're more complex than meets the eye. i believe that you're are someone who appreciates a time that works your brain. a time that makes you think. yet sometimes you can be frustrated by the fact that the thinking doesn't stop. becca, you're interesting in a good way. and that's what i love about you.

bryanna, i think that this picture describes who you are. you are unique in so many ways, and have so many awesome quirks. i'm so glad that you share them with me. from your pregnant belly to your accents to our man voices to our hand motions. everything you do makes me laugh. but you aren't just a joke-ster. you are very talented. you play piano which is something i wish i could do. i admire people who can play as well as you. i think that you are one of the quirkiest and coolest people i know. don't be afraid to show people who you really are because i believe that no matter where you go people will find you just as awesome as i find you.

sam, when we've actually talked i've enjoyed those experiences. i think that you're a strong person. you've been pushed around a lot throughout your life and i think that when you're older you won't take any crap from anyone. so sam i want to thank you for being a good sport and the butt of way too many jokes.

thank you hertl family for being such a large part of my life. you've each had an individual impact on me. best wishes to all of you as you prepare to embark on a new journey. i love all of you!
much love and peace, dmaloney
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