it is holy week. the week full of the widest range of emotions. on sunday there is a triumphant entry into Jerusalem. only on thursday for Jesus to be imprisoned and betrayed. and as if that wasn't enough he is denied by "his rock" peter. followed by his horrible death on a cross. only to be celebrated sunday as his resurrection. amazing.
over the past few weeks i've been telling you about my time problems. but look at Jesus's story. he didn't panic. he didn't crumble under pressure. he kept his cool. it seems to be that very often when we are stressed or pressed for time we tend to be on edge. always rushing. running. never stopping. what did Jesus do? from mark 15: 2-4
"Are you the king of the Jews?" asked Pilate.
"Yes, it is as you say," Jesus replied.The chief priests accused him of many things.
But Jesus still made no reply, and Pilate was amazed.
Jesus knows the horrid death that is coming to him, yet still remains composed. can we attempt to keep our composer like Jesus? try letting go in a kinder way. how about trying to avoid making accusations in our homes? maybe we can just take a deep breath before we respond.
God calls us to be patient and kind. God also calls us to be servants for him. to be conveyors or the word even when the world is against you.
Jesus preaches for years spreading the news, and still ends up on a cross. yes, he lived his life and then suffered a most brutal and incomprehensible death.
God doesn't call us to be Jesus. He calls us to act for him. to be a conveyor. to be an example. and a servant. to be a leader and a following. maybe today you can just sit down in silence. and after a few moments take a deep cleansing breath and say:
'God, i have failed, but you sent you sent your son to die for ME! i can't understand it. but i thank you for this gift. today, lord God, i ask you to make me your servant. your follower. and your conveyor the word. help me lead a life that is lead by you. give me the patience to show your people who you are. be with me in everything i do. blessed you and your son, Jesus Christ, Amen.'
much love and peace, dmaloney
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