
sometimes you just need to suffer through

so it's that time. you're probably wondering what time? well, it's thursday, holy thursday, it's also time for a lovely lineup on nbc and grey's anatomy. and for some reason grey's anatomy always makes me think about huge life topics. lately the show has been focusing on topics like the choice to have children, but that's not the point. in tonight's episode a husband had to watch his wife taken off life support, not by his choice, but by his wife's choice three years prior. also in tonight's show a female police officer was wounded and lost her uterus in a surgery complication. the woman's story made me think about how often we have things that we love that hurt the people that love us most. this woman loved her police work and her husband. her husband loved her deeply, but after seven years wanted to settle down and finally have kids. unfortunately there were other plans for them.

i think that there is a lot that we can take from this story, and that this takes place in our lives often. (not this exact story, but you understand the point) we much too often disappoint the people who love us most for something that we love. i feel that i have a way to work on this. not as the woman, but as the husband. what do we do when someone we love continually disappoints us with something that they adore? what can we do?

well, i believe that a christians we're called to 'be the bigger person' for a lack of a better cliché. to be supportive and forgiving. i'm not saying that doing this is easy. it's extremely difficult and we'll all fail at this multiple times.we're human and that means we can learn from our mistakes. when i think about situations like this i can't help but think of God being the husband. God is often disappointed with our actions, but he still sent his son to die. so the next time you're sitting at a ridiculous event someone you love, loves remember the ultimate sacrifice given to you by the humble man, known as jesus christ.

happy april fool's day! and more importantly holy thursday. much love and peace, dmaloney

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