
"guided by faith"

this is the message i gave at church this past sunday 8/22. the scripture it is based on is jeremiah 1:4-10 (jeremiah's call to ministry). you can listen to the audio by clicking here. this is also my fiftieth blog post. woot! enjoy. and let me know what you think.

Kingda-ka. It’s the world’s tallest and fastest rollercoaster. It’s the monster of all monster coasters. This mammoth of a coaster takes you from zero to one-hundred and twenty-eight miles per hour in three-point-five seconds, and then it shoots you four hundred and fifty-six feet in the air before it plummets back to earth making a two hundred and seventy degree turn on the way down. Many riders believe that the ride ends here, but then the coaster takes you over a one-hundred and twenty-nine foot hill giving the rider a weightless feeling. The whole ride last for approximately thirty-four seconds. It lasts for thirty-four seconds.

Kingda-ka is a thirty-four second wild ride, but basically the rider sees what the rider gets, there aren’t any surprises around any bends and from the beginning you can see that one hundred twenty-nine foot hill; after all, you can’t really be surprised by a one-hundred and twenty-nine foot hill after the four hundred and fifty-six foot hill. You know it will be a wild ride! But, as thrilling (or as scary), as that ride is, let’s face it: Our lives aren’t always like that. Our lives aren’t predictable. They aren’t set on a definite plan with only two obstacles that you can clearly see. And you most definitely cannot hold your breath through life. Unlike the riders on Kingda-ka, we can’t always see what mountain we are going to climb or what surprise lies around the next bend. Sometimes, roller coaster riders will close their eyes for the scary parts. Just as often we find ourselves blind to our futures. As I prepare for my senior year in high school and the whole college application process I can’t help but feel I’ve got my eyes shut on the roller coaster. I can’t quite see around the corner yet, and I don’t know how wild the ride is going to be.

Jeremiah felt the same he had no idea how wild the ride would be. When God first appeared to Jeremiah he said “before I formed you in the womb I knew you. Before you were born I consecrated you”. God had specific plans for us before we were even born? What does that mean for us? And how do we live out those plans? Maybe this means that God has plans for us. He has specific plans for us, but those plans only work if we decide to live guided by faith. See, God isn’t going to push a future that we don’t understand on to us. He has the “best plan” for us and then a plan “b”. The “best plan” works when we live as faithful and sacrificing disciples, but the “best plan” is by no means carefree or an easy ride. It’s no ticket to heaven. It’s hard work. Hard. Dirty. Painful Work. Being a disciple of Christ does not just happen TO us. We must willfully and consciously choose to be lead by faith.

We have no clue of where this great journey called life will take us. The same was true for Jeremiah. Jeremiah was just a young man, not much older than I am right now, when God called him into his service, and Jeremiah was scared. He didn’t believe that he, a young man, could be a prophet. He said that he was simply too young for the job and God told him that age does not matter. God did not accept his petty excuse, but instead told him that he would guide his life and his ministry and Jeremiah allowed his faith in the Lord to carry him through a ministry that lasted for over forty years.

About a year ago, I felt just like Jeremiah. Like Jeremiah I felt like I was way too young. I felt God calling me into his ministry, but I was scared. I was anxious and most definitely intimidated. It is one thing to be here every week, helping in the sound booth or leading a game at youth group on Sunday night, but how could I lead other youth while I am still so young myself? Sure, I’ve been involved deeply in the ministries of this church for as long as I can remember.

I have been an overnight host with my family with Interfaith since I was six years old. I would come and help my grandmother prepare dinner for people who needed a home. I started out in Kids for Christ when I was four, and now I continue to help my mom behind the scenes whenever KFC needs a helping hand. I started going to Sunday school when I was two years old and I am still going now. For several years, I even got to play the part of a shepherd in the Live Nativity this church used to hold at Christmastime every year. When I was four, I got my first chance to be part of Vacation Bible School…I still remember the theme song from that year. Now, I’m still a part of VBS as a leader. I’ve been singing in the choir since I was four and acting in children’s dramas from my earliest role as Mrs. Elephant in an adaptation of Noah’s Ark from the viewpoint of the animals to my most recent role as Ryan D. Best in American Ideal. Since seventh grade, I’ve been a constant member of youth group with four different youth pastors. Being a member of First Church has not just been about something that happens once a week as much as it has been a way of life for me. My week revolves around school and family of course, but most of all around any church activities to which I am committed. On an average week, I am here at least twelve hours. My motivation for me to get my dreaded weekend homework completed has always been youth group.

Spending so much of my life here has been comforting, challenging, rewarding. But, when I think about following Jesus wherever he might lead me in his kingdom, it’s another thing entirely. Will I feel the same excitement and pleasure serving him outside of First Church? How can I present myself in a way that will be well received by God and the people of the church? It seemed like as soon as I realized that I God was calling me to youth ministry, I was automatically expected to be ready to give a message to the entire congregation! I found comfort in the words from today’s scripture: “Now I have put my words in your mouth.” This is a great relief because, I realize that I don’t have to have all the answers, but can be guided by my faith in the Lord instead. While being guided by faith doesn’t always allow you to see the path ahead, like Kingda-ka does, it does allow you to be less fearful and to TRUST. While I may worry about the talents I have for ministry, I know that letting God guide me will result in the best path for me.

As the last verse of today’s scripture says, “See, today I appoint you over nations and over kingdoms, to pluck up and to pull down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant.” What nation have you been appointed to? For some of us it is our own homes, for others it is a specific ministry of the church, for others it is outside of these church walls. What have you been appointed to pluck up and destroy? Maybe we need to destroy our poor habits, our wastefulness, and our complacency. The United States is only 4% of the entire World’s population yet uses 21% of the World’s energy. The United States consumes fifty billion water bottles per year. That’s one-fourth of the World’s water bottles! What is God asking us to do differently? Where are we wasting our time, our talents and our resources? According to Facebook, a social networking site, their users spend 700 billion minutes a month on their site. Imagine if Facebook users reduced their usage by half, that would be almost 6 billion hours that could be dedicated to countless projects that might make a difference. That amount of time could build 6 million houses for projects like Habitat for Humanity. The average American watches one hundred and forty-five hours of television a month. The average person would have an extra full three days if they cut their viewing time in half. What could you do with an extra seventy two hours? Maybe you don’t spend that much time on Facebook or watching television, but can you think of a habit that takes time away from something more meaningful?

Could you perhaps spend an hour or two volunteering with the Sunday school program in the church? What about on Wednesday nights with Kids for Christ or the youth bible study? How about helping to chaperone at the next youth event? What about becoming a part of the Christmas musical? Or coming to a church clean-up day? Our church will soon begin a new outreach program called “Drive-thru Prayer” maybe you could volunteer to be part of this new ministry. Perhaps you are unable to give any more of your time right now. All of these ministries and a dozen more still need your prayers or financial support.

Today’s scripture reminds us not just to destroy and overthrow our old, tired habits and complacency, but also to build and to plant. Perhaps you know of an area in our community that needs rebuilding or a fresh approach, but you’ve held back. Maybe God is calling you to start that fresh approach or rebuild an area that is broken. Perhaps you have been afraid to try because you are fearful of the obstacles you might encounter on the way. Perhaps, you, like Jeremiah, feel that you are not ready or talented enough. But if you live guided by your faith, YOU, just like Jeremiah, can have the faith to lead!


my teeth: update number 5

well as some of you may know as of yesterday i no longer have braces! my teeth seem pretty good except for the discoloration of the one 'dead' tooth, but on tuesday that may be fixed. dr. ball, my endodontist, may begin a bleaching treatment to match the color of my other teeth. i'll know more as of tuesday. here are some pictures from this whole ordeal:

this is from right before i had the braces put on.

and this is today:

so thank you to all of you have supported me through this whole ordeal. have a lovely weekend much love and peace, dmaloney


lights on? or off?

before you read watch this video. it's strange, but the lights out made me think. ha, what a surprise. anyway, i've been thinking a lot about perspective lately. our perspective on life. our perspective on God. our perspective on what we have to do. our perspective on everything. and i'm not sure about you, but i feel like i have rather rigid perspectives on things. i think that i should do certain things and that that's what should be done then, but really shouldn't we focus less on our rigid and constricted views for everything. so my words of wisdom for today are just to look at things with an open mind. look using a panoramic view. be open to the good. and the bad.


my teeth: update number 4

so it's monday and that means i was at some type of dentist. today i visited the orthodontist who think that it would be best to do a root canal as soon as possible. so next tuesday i'll have a root canal. the belief of the orthodontist is that all the luck has been on our side so far and if i get out of this with only one root canal i should start playing the lottery. ha-ha! i'm not to upset besides the fact that i still can't eat anything super solid. oh and at least two more weeks before i resume softball and band. i'm getting there. and as dory, from finding nemo, would say 'just keep swimming'. much love and peace, dmaloney



today we celebrate the unbelievable story of christ.
today he is risen.
today love.
and life.
today they triumph.
today we believe.
today we rejoice.
today we celebrate the win over sin.
and the devil.
today we're forgiven.
today we're alive.
today we rise.
today christ lives.
much love and peace, dmaloney


a simple thank you will do.

today is an interesting day in the christian church. in my mind it's the forgotten day. and a day of preparation. a day to gather our things for easter. maybe it's the ham. maybe it's the dye for the eggs. whatever we are doing we're often preparing for the resurrection, and lately it has been on my mind that today should be a day similar to good friday. a day where we mourn, not prepare. the disciples didn't know what would happen.

it's like knowing the end of the story and allowing it to influence the way you read the rest of the book. i could very well be wrong, but i really believe that today should be sad, like good friday. all i'm asking of you is that today you spent some time in prayer to say thank you. to say thank you for the amazing gift. there's no need to be eloquent just say thank you. much love and peace, dmaloney


the darkness won't last

today is good friday. it's a day of darkness. and today as jesus has nails driven into his hands and feet i can't help but think of the audio adrenaline song 'hands and feet' . today we mourn. today is friday but just remember that sunday is coming.

much love and peace, dmaloney


sometimes you just need to suffer through

so it's that time. you're probably wondering what time? well, it's thursday, holy thursday, it's also time for a lovely lineup on nbc and grey's anatomy. and for some reason grey's anatomy always makes me think about huge life topics. lately the show has been focusing on topics like the choice to have children, but that's not the point. in tonight's episode a husband had to watch his wife taken off life support, not by his choice, but by his wife's choice three years prior. also in tonight's show a female police officer was wounded and lost her uterus in a surgery complication. the woman's story made me think about how often we have things that we love that hurt the people that love us most. this woman loved her police work and her husband. her husband loved her deeply, but after seven years wanted to settle down and finally have kids. unfortunately there were other plans for them.

i think that there is a lot that we can take from this story, and that this takes place in our lives often. (not this exact story, but you understand the point) we much too often disappoint the people who love us most for something that we love. i feel that i have a way to work on this. not as the woman, but as the husband. what do we do when someone we love continually disappoints us with something that they adore? what can we do?

well, i believe that a christians we're called to 'be the bigger person' for a lack of a better cliché. to be supportive and forgiving. i'm not saying that doing this is easy. it's extremely difficult and we'll all fail at this multiple times.we're human and that means we can learn from our mistakes. when i think about situations like this i can't help but think of God being the husband. God is often disappointed with our actions, but he still sent his son to die. so the next time you're sitting at a ridiculous event someone you love, loves remember the ultimate sacrifice given to you by the humble man, known as jesus christ.

happy april fool's day! and more importantly holy thursday. much love and peace, dmaloney


go attack your nineveh!

so i recently watched Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie and it made me think about the story of Jonah. so here is the link to watch the movie and here's a selection from the first chapter of Jonah :

The word of the LORD came to Jonah son of Amittai: 2 "Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me." 3 But Jonah ran away from the LORD and headed for Tarshish. He went down to Joppa, where he found a ship bound for that port. After paying the fare, he went aboard and sailed for Tarshish to flee from the LORD. 4 Then the LORD sent a great wind on the sea, and such a violent storm arose that the ship threatened to break up. 5 All the sailors were afraid and each cried out to his own god. And they threw the cargo into the sea to lighten the ship. But Jonah had gone below deck, where he lay down and fell into a deep sleep. 6 The captain went to him and said, "How can you sleep? Get up and call on your god! Maybe he will take notice of us, and we will not perish." 7 Then the sailors said to each other, "Come, let us cast lots to find out who is responsible for this calamity." They cast lots and the lot fell on Jonah. 8 So they asked him, "Tell us, who is responsible for making all this trouble for us? What do you do? Where do you come from? What is your country? From what people are you?" 9 He answered, "I am a Hebrew and I worship the LORD, the God of heaven, who made the sea and the land." 10 This terrified them and they asked, "What have you done?" (They knew he was running away from the LORD, because he had already told them so.) 11 The sea was getting rougher and rougher. So they asked him, "What should we do to you to make the sea calm down for us?" 12 "Pick me up and throw me into the sea," he replied, "and it will become calm. I know that it is my fault that this great storm has come upon you." 13 Instead, the men did their best to row back to land. But they could not, for the sea grew even wilder than before. 14 Then they cried to the LORD, "O LORD, please do not let us die for taking this man's life. Do not hold us accountable for killing an innocent man, for you, O LORD, have done as you pleased." 15 Then they took Jonah and threw him overboard, and the raging sea grew calm. 16 At this the men greatly feared the LORD, and they offered a sacrifice to the LORD and made vows to him.

this is the part of the story that i want to focus on. this is the part that makes me think the most.
in this story we have jonah and in this story jonah is one of the biggest prophets of the time. he is popular and when he has something to say everyone drops what they're doing. he has total respect of the people and when he speaks they believe (and it is) coming directly from the Lord. so one time God tells jonah that he needs him to go to nineveh. during this time nineveh is the bottom of the bottom. it's horrible. the city is full of greedy people that don't know right from wrong. anyway, jonah is like yeah right.. i would go anywhere but there.. i can't save those people they're horrible people. God insist that jonah make the journey, but the next day jonah heads out of town to tarshish. (the opposite direction of nineveh) and from there we all know the story.

but in this story jonah is a big part of the faith of the people at the time. they believe what he said to be the word of God. and jonah was a leader for God and a follower of God. he was a prophet because he had a sound relationship with God. but this great relationship failed when jonah didn't want to go to nineveh. for lack of a better term, jonah "rocked the boat" on the great relationship he and God had because he was afraid. he didn't want to waste his time on people he felt we're already a lost cause.

this story makes me reflect on this weekends youth leaders conference. we talked a lot about "servant leadership" and i think that jonah's story is a story of a leader who was afraid to be a servant leader. see jonah was happy in the town he was in. he was even comfortable leaving and going to anywhere in israel. but was afraid and unwilling to travel to nineveh. jonah was afraid to do "God's dirty work" he didn't want to travel to tell people unwilling to listen that they would perish.

i believe that God often puts our faith to very similar tests. tests of servant leadership. God knows when we are faithfully following him and he knows when he can test us. so he sends test to check our faith. in these tests he has a do things outside of our comfort zone. maybe it's that feeling you get inside that says you should go talk to them. or maybe it's a call to stay in the kitchen a scrub a pot.

now those examples aren't examples exactly like jonah's but they are still a call to something that we are uncomfortable with and a call to be something bigger than ourselves.

so maybe the next time you'll think twice about that person you thought was a lost cause. jonah thought nineveh was a lost cause yet the city changed their ways and turned to the Lord. the story of jonah tells all about grace, mercy, and forgiveness, but i think that the bigger lesson is in his leadership.
we can be comfortable in our own leadership positions, but we need to comfortable anywhere. God calls us to be more than leaders. he calls us to servant leadership. it's a big concept but if you can grasp it and, more importantly, but it in to practice you'll be a better person. God is calling you to go sit at the other table in the cafeteria. he is calling you the kid sitting by himself. but the question is how will you respond?

will you be jonah? will you turn and run the other way in fear or will you willingly accept the challenge? will you be a servant leader for God? the choices are yours. do what you please, but just remember you could end up inside a fish for three days!

go attack your nineveh! much love and peace, dmaloney


a different type of anniversary.

today marks my 40th blog post. in a way i feel accomplished i made 40 posts before easter and i'd have to say that i wanted to do something special for this "anniversary". when i think of anniversaries i think of love and relationships. today i'm not going to get mushy on you, but i'd like to honor a family that i have a great relationship with.

that family is the hertl's. i have know the hertl's since before i can even remember and for those of you who don't know they're moving in august. the talk of moving had been imminent for years, but the reality is finally here. it's taken me sometime to be okay will it and so today i'd like to honor each of you and thank you.

michael, there are so many youth group memories that involve you. there are too many to name. when i look back on those years i think that you're one of the main reasons why i enjoyed youth group so much. you are an awesome person and i am continually amazed by your creativity and patience. you've always been there to change the light bulbs (among other things.) you change the church. you helped the church develop and i don't think the church even knows how much you did and still do. michael, today, i'd like to thank you for helping to shape my faith journey and for all of your help throughout the years.

steph, you're one of my best friends and i wouldn't trade you for the world. we've had some great times, and even greater ones are to come. you're complex and multifaceted, yet live simply. you're extremely creative and gifted. as you know i'm not a fan of people saying that you can give over a 100%, but i think you do. you've never left me hanging. you'll always go until the lifts stop. and you are just amazing. you have always kept me on my toes. and i never know what's coming next. i'm excited to see where life takes you because i know that wherever you go you'll be successful. thanks for all the times you've helped me create something, make something better, or just quote the brady bunch movie. thank you for being such a great person. always dedicated.

becca, we've had some interesting experiences together. from our late-night-drowsy camp talks i've concluded that you're someone that i could go to with a question about life and you would listen and talk through it with me. when i think about you all i can think about is your positive attitude and how always makes me want to smile. it's rare for me to see you in a bad mood and you're positive attitude is always refreshing. it makes me love life. it makes me appreciate every breath that i take. every day. every drop of rain. just life in general. you're more complex than meets the eye. i believe that you're are someone who appreciates a time that works your brain. a time that makes you think. yet sometimes you can be frustrated by the fact that the thinking doesn't stop. becca, you're interesting in a good way. and that's what i love about you.

bryanna, i think that this picture describes who you are. you are unique in so many ways, and have so many awesome quirks. i'm so glad that you share them with me. from your pregnant belly to your accents to our man voices to our hand motions. everything you do makes me laugh. but you aren't just a joke-ster. you are very talented. you play piano which is something i wish i could do. i admire people who can play as well as you. i think that you are one of the quirkiest and coolest people i know. don't be afraid to show people who you really are because i believe that no matter where you go people will find you just as awesome as i find you.

sam, when we've actually talked i've enjoyed those experiences. i think that you're a strong person. you've been pushed around a lot throughout your life and i think that when you're older you won't take any crap from anyone. so sam i want to thank you for being a good sport and the butt of way too many jokes.

thank you hertl family for being such a large part of my life. you've each had an individual impact on me. best wishes to all of you as you prepare to embark on a new journey. i love all of you!

much love and peace, dmaloney


my teeth: update number 3

today marks the two week anniversary since i got the braces on. that day two weeks ago i visited the endodontist who told me that my teeth were still vital. he had different news today. he told me that one tooth looks darker and that it is still kind of alive. it takes longer to respond to cold but it isn't dead. he thinks that a root canal could be down the road, but he'll see me in six weeks and tell me what's going on. my mom was upset when she found out, but i'm not super upset. i figured this would come. but i can't decide whether i'm not upset because i'm numb to all of this or if it's from my resolution to positivity and allowance to led God run the show.

lately, with the exclusion of the little children at the easter egg hunt, i've remained pretty positive throughout the lenten season. i've tried to avoid letting things get under my skin. and it's been nice. i just let everything roll off my back. i think you should try it. just think before you speak and take deep breaths. calm your anger. your negativity. and just relax.

i also think that lately i've tried to let God run the show and be happy with it. there are times where i won't always be pleased with the situation but that isn't going to keep it from happening. i just feel that we are way too negative way too often and that our negativity hinders are productivity. we stress. we attempt to fit 50 things into one minute. not everything can always be done. we just need to prioritize.

that's all i've got for today. i'm looking for job suggestions so feel free to shoot me an idea. thanks! much love and peace, dmaloney

i'm alive

so you might me wondering if the lock-in destroyed me. well, hopefully this post with assuage those fears. anyway this past week was full of projects and way too much homework. but that doesn't mean that i've given up on this. i apologize for how long it has been but i'm back and i'm almost positive that i'll blog everyday this week! all of that aside...

it is holy week. the week full of the widest range of emotions. on sunday there is a triumphant entry into Jerusalem. only on thursday for Jesus to be imprisoned and betrayed. and as if that wasn't enough he is denied by "his rock" peter. followed by his horrible death on a cross. only to be celebrated sunday as his resurrection. amazing.

over the past few weeks i've been telling you about my time problems. but look at Jesus's story. he didn't panic. he didn't crumble under pressure. he kept his cool. it seems to be that very often when we are stressed or pressed for time we tend to be on edge. always rushing. running. never stopping. what did Jesus do? from mark 15: 2-4

"Are you the king of the Jews?" asked Pilate.
"Yes, it is as you say," Jesus replied.The chief priests accused him of many things.
But Jesus still made no reply, and Pilate was amazed.

Jesus knows the horrid death that is coming to him, yet still remains composed. can we attempt to keep our composer like Jesus? try letting go in a kinder way. how about trying to avoid making accusations in our homes? maybe we can just take a deep breath before we respond.

God calls us to be patient and kind. God also calls us to be servants for him. to be conveyors or the word even when the world is against you.

Jesus preaches for years spreading the news, and still ends up on a cross. yes, he lived his life and then suffered a most brutal and incomprehensible death.

God doesn't call us to be Jesus. He calls us to act for him. to be a conveyor. to be an example. and a servant. to be a leader and a following. maybe today you can just sit down in silence. and after a few moments take a deep cleansing breath and say:

'God, i have failed, but you sent you sent your son to die for ME! i can't understand it. but i thank you for this gift. today, lord God, i ask you to make me your servant. your follower. and your conveyor the word. help me lead a life that is lead by you. give me the patience to show your people who you are. be with me in everything i do. blessed you and your son, Jesus Christ, Amen.'

much love and peace, dmaloney



random picture..

today's post is going to be short. tonight i'll be at church for the district lock-in. i'm pretty pumped. but the fact that i can't participate is a little upsetting. anyway tomorrow is a triple-header. and yeah. i think that's all for today. enjoy the weather and the beginning of spring. much love and peace, dmaloney


right now.

in history we've been studying the holocaust. as supplements for the class discussion we've been reading selections from elie wiesel's 'night'. if you haven't heard of or read 'night' it is based on elie wiesel's experience in the auschwitz-birkenau concentration camp in 1944-1945.

i read the whole book as a freshman in english and when i read it then it hit me. i recognized the horror of the holocaust. but this time i looked at it in a new perspective. certain parts really stood out. in particular the part where elie wiesel tells of the death of his father. i spare you the graphic details. but this made me think about a bunch of different things and some of them are unimportant. but one thing was the regret he had for his father's death. he felt like he had done something wrong by not responding to his father's last words. the words. 'eliezer.' it made me think about holding on to our earthly bodies. our grief. i'm not saying that dealing with grief is easy. it is hard to do. but if you can it's so much better. our bodies are nothing after our life on earth. they mean nothing. we shouldn't be afraid of death because it's only the start of your real life. the life that is unimaginable. and unfathomable. so life well. but don't be afraid or the end. live in the moment. right now. right now.

much love and peace, dmaloney


the blessing within misfortune.

over the past four days a bunch of people have come up to me and said things like " wow, that sucks." or "oh, that must be horrible." (i thank all of you who have comforted me or said anything at all.) but truth be told. i'm not upset. don't get me wrong i'm not happy this happened but i think it's given me the opportunity to evaluate a lot of things. a much anticipated time. a time to really evaluate what my future is. sunday night i was sitting at youth group semi-enjoying the activity because i couldn't participate. and i thought what about the people who hate sports is this any fun for them. they are bored out of their minds like me, but they're bored all the time. this time has allowed me to see things from a different perspective. a new angle. if i become a youth pastor i vow to attempt to find a balance between physical and mental activities. so i believe that this time will allow me to evaluate a lot of things about myself. so bear with me as i try to barrel through some thoughts.

for those of you who are interested i'd like to share my progress through pictures. this is just up to monday afternoon (pre-braces)

before saturday:

monday afternoon:

disclaimer: i don't actually look like this!

that was your joke of the day!
happy st. patty's day, much love and peace, dmaloney


quality not quantity.

to grow or not to grow. that is the question. i'm not talking about height. i'm talking about churches. the pressure to grow churches and groups within the church is always present. but why?

numbers don't show commitment. they don't tell anyone anything. maybe that's a harsh statement but that's not the point. this is one of doug fields biggest points and i'm a big believer in it.

here's a question for you:
would you rather have one hundred sporadic members or fifteen totally dedicated people willing to grow in a relationship with others and God?

i would want the dedicated group.

but maybe this question doesn't apply to you. here's another one:
when it comes to friends would you rather have..
fifty friends that speak to you only when they need you and when you need them they completely blow you off...or have...
two or three friends that are always there for you. when they need you you and you need them they're there for you.

again, i'd want the two or three friends.

quantity isn't quality. and that's what we need to think about. that's what we need to focus on. this is what we need. so that's it. focus on the things that have quality not quantity.

much love and peace, dmaloney


my teeth: update number 2

today i visit the dentist who sent me to the orthodontist who sent me to the endodontist who sent me back to the orthodontist. after all this running around and x-rays at all the specialists the orthodontist decided to put braces on. along with an appliance so i can bite down comfortably. so i'm back to brace face. and absolutely no physical activity for one month. i'm also not allowed to play any instruments until the orthodontist clears me. it was a pretty crazy afternoon and evening, but i'm on my way to a long recovery.

dentist report: x-rays, the one tooth may have some nerve damage.

orthodontist: x-rays, pictures, mold for the appliance, visit the endodontist to check for viability on the two teeth.

endodontist: x-rays, cold temperature test, teeth are viable!!

orthodontist: put braces on, fit appliance, took more pictures.

so that was my monday. much love and peace, dmaloney


my teeth: update number 1

i'll give a solid post tomorrow hopefully after i visit the dentist. if you haven't seen or heard what's going on i'll fill you in.

saturday i took the sat's after i headed over to softball practice. we started warming up the pitchers and a couple minutes later i took a wrist flick to the mouth. fortunately my teeth didn't fall out and there not loose, but they did shift back. so tomorrow i'll visit the dentist so they can assess what can be made of this situation. i'll let you all know more as soon as i know.

prayers for a speedy and relatively pain-free recovery would be greatly appreciated. thank you to all! much love and peace, dmaloney


the right way.

though you may want to make fun of me for this. i enjoy watching grey's anatomy. i don't enjoy all the unnecessary drama but i think the reason that i enjoy the show is because in the last few minutes merideth grey always says something that reflects on the whole show. it also always leaves me with questions. big questions. questions that make us think really question our beliefs. and today i was thinking that we all have our own beliefs. those beliefs can be different from what anyone else believes. those beliefs should be sound. unbreakable. right?

the other day kelsie kolb and i were discussing our faith. we were saying that there are so many religions and different beliefs it's hard to know what is the one. i think that part of faith is not knowing what's right. it's part of what strengthens our faith. i believe that my core beliefs are unshakable. and no matter what anyone says they won't change.

picture this: you're a christian a true believer of Jesus Christ and you believe that Jesus has given you the ability to be in a relationship with God. one day the world finds out that the only real faith is the belief in alla. would you change everything that you've ever believed in because you've heard that alla is the only way? i'd like to believe that real christians would stick to what they've always believed. real believers believe for a reason. real believers don't abandon everything in fear. and the fear that we have can strengthen our beliefs.

we can coexist. and believe what we please, but we can't change what our core beliefs every other day.

prayers for my two front teeth that got knocked in today at softball. much love and peace, dmaloney



post on the way.. i'll finish it tomorrow.. but it looks to be a good one. maybe even my favorite. to come back tomorrow afternoon/evening and read some good stuff. in the mean time i'll keep you guessing and wondering what the subject of the post is. have good night. and wish me luck on the SAT's. prayers for good scores would also be appreciated. much love and peace, dmaloney


to the entire cast of 'forum'

congratulations to the entire cast of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. it was a job well done. thank you for your time commitment, your acting and singing abilities, and, more importantly, your courage to stand on the stage. just remember comedy tonight.

if you haven't seen the show there's still time. friday @ 8pm and saturday @ 8pm. for only $5. that's a steal and yes, it's more than 3, anna.


all game. no talk.

everyone knows someone or has heard someone who talks a big game and doesn't act. it's frustrating, isn't it? i'm not talking about the jokes you have with friends. or anything like that. i'm talking about people who say think like 'yo, i'mma get my people on you.' or ' i'm perfect because i got to church.' sometimes we need to think before we speak. are you really going to get your people on me? or are you really perfect? because i'm pretty sure you've never opened a bible and i just heard you swear like a sailor back there.

and maybe these are harsh judgments that i'm not qualified to make. what i think doesn't matter. but i think if you're going to talk big you need to act big.

now, there's no beating the biggest act of all acts. (the creation of earth and humans) but you can still act. God gave you a mouth, ears, nose, legs, arms, and brain. and each of those are separate entities. yet work together. the body is a team and your mouth shouldn't do more work than your brain, arms, legs, ears, and nose.

'Now the body is not made up of one part but of many. If the foot should say, "Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body," it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body. And if the ear should say, "Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body," it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body.The eye cannot say to the hand, "I don't need you!" And the head cannot say to the feet, "I don't need you!" On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty, while our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.' -1 corinthians 12: 14-26

this selection from paul's letter calls us to more than to just working together. it is open to its own interpretation. and the letter continues with what it really calls us to do. but i'm telling you back up your words. don't fight some idiot. show people that you are a real follower of Christ and that God's grace is there for everyone, anytime. the best part is that it never stops. never ends. and never stops giving.

much love and peace, dmaloney


back to the daily grind

i think for once.. i'm speechless. well, wordless. i'm not sure what to say today. just because there is so much on my mind. today my schedule was as follows:
5:40- wake up
6:40- walk to school
6:45-6:50ish- 1:40 school
1:40-1:50 run home change for softball
1:50-2:25 lessons
2:30-2:45 gather everything for softball head out to the field
2:50-5:00 softball practice
5:15 shower
5:35 eat dinner
6:00 get ready for viewing
6:15 head to pick-up SAT practice scores
7:15-8:30 attend a viewing
8:30-10 homework
10-10:45 blog
11 lights out
it's a vicious cycle that ends in death. there are times when i wish i could just stop everything. no deadlines. no times that i need to be anywhere. just time to myself.

maybe my thoughts are incorrect but it seems like some adults have the capability to do that. just stop all of the work and say 'right now that doesn't matter.' and maybe it's true that the work never really ends. maybe this is part of my control issue. a little perfectionism. a little over done.

just breathe. and enjoy the spring air. much love and peace, dmaloney


failure or just an excuse to push harder?

so yesterday the internet did what it felt like doing and wasn't totally working in my house. because of that i didn't get to post. if you're wondering if i think i failed. the answer is no. yes. i failed to make a post. this is just the physical representation of the relationship that i have made with God. i blog for the world to have the opportunity to see what i'm thinking about. what i believe about certain 'hot topics'. so in my mind i didn't fail because i still had my 'God time' yesterday. i think this compares to when you lose a game. the next day you just have to shake it off. right? you keep pushing and just make a stronger effort to beat them next time. you run harder. you do ten more push-up. you work harder every second. because you know when the time comes to get back on the field you'll be ready. that's what this blog is about. strengthening my relationship with God so when the time comes to for the time of the final verdict i'll be a winner. i'll have that final victory. the buzzer shot.

quote of the day:

'my heart pounds, my strength fails me; even the light has gone from my eyes.' - psalm 38:9-11

joke of the day:


10. Hey! It's my turn to sit in the front pew.

9. I was so enthralled, I never noticed your sermon went 25 minutes over time.

8. Personally I find witnessing much more enjoyable than golf.

7. I've decided to give our church the $500 a month I used to send to TV evangelists.

6. I volunteer to be the permanent teacher for the Junior High Sunday School class.

5. Forget the denominational minimum salary, let's pay our pastor so he can live like we do.

4. I love it when we sing hymns I've never heard before!

3. Since we're all here, let's start the service early.

2. Pastor, we'd like to send you to this Bible seminar in the Bahamas.

1. Nothing inspires me and strengthens my commitment like our annual stewardship campaign

dfihioashdfiog much love and peace, dmaloney


the perks of choice

accidents. we're usually afraid when we hear that. accidents. scary. our accidents usually are mistake-based. right? like this:
just a little bit of a problem.

but do we ever think of happy accidents. accidents that help us. or change us for the better. or do you not believe in accidents. i have my own personal opinions about predestination and free-will. and my own beliefs are what i like to call a multiple choice test. and this is one of the things that i love about the united methodist church. i'm not forced into believing. i'm allow to make my own decisions about faith that can be scary. but in the end i believe that when we push ourselves to decide on our beliefs about life. and a whole long list of things. we strength our faith. we become better 'evangelists'. when you finish reading this you'll understand the whole 'multiple choice test' and why i believe that. but i think that if you asked a person who practices under a denomination with forced beliefs their responses would be different. when we can decide things for ourselves we become incapable of just about everything.

but now back to the 'multiple choice test' concept. i believe in the idea that God has a set plan for us. but in a different way than predestination. see i believe that God has allowed us the freedom (or free-will) to pick the options set for us. and the different ways have different plans. i'm still deciding on the path that i'll take, but i'm pretty sure that God has the options set. and none of them lead to failure. my life is in his best interest. and i'd like to think that i've put him in mine too.

quote of the day:

'whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.'
-colossians 3:23

joke of the day:

oh! my nose!

have a great sunday! much love and peace, dmaloney


the value of time and thoughts

this post has been sitting. it's been looking for love. yearning to be posted. every time i try to finish it i change my mind on something i've typed. i've been thinking a lot lately. i've been thinking about life. my future. and what to do about college. i've been doing too much thinking. too much questioning. and i want all the answers because i have a control problem. i like to be in control all the time. doesn't matter where or what i'm doing i like to be in control of things. but i think that i've only made myself think i'm in control. i'm not. God is and when i can truly accept that i'll be living. until then i'm only tricking myself to believe i'm in control. so right now i'm sitting in silence, only to hear the clicking of the keys, and staring at the blinking cursor wondering what do i need to say.. but nothing comes.. from here on out my heart is leading the words written. not my mind. i don't need to say anything. but i always will have something to say. i thought blogging would be a spot to just throw my thoughts down, but now it's become the spot to throw everything down and organize it. i also had the assumption that it would be somewhat of a hassle to blog. i've started blogs before and left them just sitting on the internet wasting space. but this blog is fun to write on. i can't tell you how long i've really despised writing but this blog is fun to write. it's enjoyable and i think i like writing now. if you're reading this mumble-jumble of mess i like to call my blog. thanks. it's nice to think that someone, somewhere reads what i write. it's nice to know that you care about the mumbled-jumbled things that i like to call my thoughts. it has been a busy day and i'm looking forward to resting. i can't help but wonder what all my busy schedule means. does it mean that i'm trying to figure out how to manage time? what does it mean? i'm confused. bewildered. puzzled. i just don't have all the answers...yet..will i ever?

quote of the day:

'until you value yourself, you won't value time. until you value your time, you will not do anything' - m. scott peck

joke of the day:

70-year-old george went for his annual physical. he told the doctor that he felt fine, but often had to go to the bathroom during the night. then he said, "but you know doc, i'm blessed. God knows my eyesight is going, so he puts on the light when I pee, and turns it off when i'm done!"

a little later in the day, dr. Smith called george's wife and said, "your husband's test results were fine, but he said something strange that has been bugging me. he claims that God turns the light on and off for him when uses the bathroom at night."

thelma exclaimed, "that old fool! he's been peeing in the refrigerator again!"

have a lovely saturday. look for nice weather. much love and peace, dmaloney


what's on t.v tonight? joy or suffering?

this came up in bing images when i typed in nj hspa. haha! hspas are finally over. and i'm relieved. i'm pretty sure that i've mentioned how much i despise standardized testing. and after 3 days i was done. and i'm done complaining now.

as i was watching the baby office tonight i was thinking about the gift of children. it's scary and i think that even though the office demonstrates the beginning of parenthood in a fun and laughing matter that it was really true. and after the office was the premiere of the marriage ref. now, i don't know if you're think what i am but does that even make sense.

welcome to the world baby. then bam why do you keep your ex-husband prosthesis in the closet? hmm. what are our priorities? what do we as americans value? do we value the birth of a child and the beginning of a new life or others problems?


or this:

are there more shows on television about suffering and pain or about love and new life?

we need to refocus our views. focus on the joys of life. maybe watching suffering keeps us from realizing our own problems, but let's enjoy life. have fun. laugh and celebrate the day that new life enters your family.

much love and peace, dmaloney